Kido /Junmai Ginjo (720ml)
Type: Junmai Ginjo
Prefecture Wakayama
Brewery Heiwa Shuzo
Rice Variety Gohyakumangoku, Yamada Nishiki
Rice Polishing 55%
Alcohol 15% -16%
SMV + 4
Acidity 3.0
KID JUNMAI GINJO Manual pasteurization (Binkan hiire) where the sake is bottled but the bottles are not closed during the low pasturizing process. They are heated only to + 65 ° C. to preserves the fresh flavors and aromas .
TASTING NOTES: Nicely balanced, light body, light fruit aroma with a clean finish. Smooth and easy to drink. Combines perfectly with a wide variety of dishes.
THE BREWERY Founded in 1928 the name KID comes from a combination of "Kishu climate" (formerly Wakayama Prefecture) and the ideal of child like innocence and freedom. Created by Heiwa Shuzo as a gateway sake to introduce to Japan's new generations who have not accepted the sake traditions of their ancestors. The brewery location in a rainy climate valley surrounded by mountains, offers soft, pure water ideal for brewing sake.