Tamagawa Yamahai /Junmai (720ml)
Type: Junmai Yamahai Muroka Nama Genshu
Brewery: Kinoshita Shuzo
Prefecture: Kyoto
Rice Variety: Chitanishiki
Rice Polishing : 60%
Alcohol: 20%
SMV: 3-5
Acidity: 2.6
TAMAGAWA YAMAHAI: Limited edition and small batch. Consistently sells out. Radical, slow brew, from the highly respected Wild, naturally occurring yeast and environmental lacto bactylus. Matured two years in the bottle. Un-pasteurised, unfiltered and undiluted. This sake has an incredible shelf life and continues to mature and evolve in the bottle even after opening.
TASTING NOTES: This sake packs a punch. Big body, big taste. Complex, deep and absolutely bursting with umami. Sweet, funky and in your face. Relatively high alcohol percentage. Store dark and cool. Drink any temperature but particularly enjoyable slightly warmed up.
THE BREWERY: Kinoshita Shuzō is a small batch brewery founded in 1842 on the coast of Kyoto. It has gained recognition through it's unmistakable new label design and by bringing in Englishman Philip Harper, the first foreign brewmaster (tōjii) in Japan. Harper implemented the traditional brewing methods yamahai and kimoto, as well as his preference for natural yeast.